Self-launching formwork tunnel equipment La Canda


Self-launching formwork tunnel equipment La Canda

Customer: UTE TÚNEL DE LA CANDA (Comsa, Anchelergues)
Country: España
Location: La Canda-Vilavella (Ourense)
Year: 2013


Construction project called North-Northwest High Speed Corridor of High speed railway (HSR)
HSR Line Madrid-Galicia.
Lubyan-Ourense section.
Tunnel sub-section of La Canda-Vilavella.
The sub-section of 3.7 km. in length, it runs through the municipality of A Mezquieta, in the province of Orense. Each tunnel has a length of 869 m, of which two sections of 78 and 69 m they adopt the morphology of artificial tunnel in each of the portals, while the rest (722 m) have been excavated.

Self-launching equipment consisting of 1 formwork for tunnel lining in mine and cut and cover tunnel and 1 translation form traveler, 4.58m / 7.78m, 15m advance. Formwork for execution of the 1st phase of the tunnel lining (30 + 30m. Linear)

What was the challenge?:
The horizontal load produced during casting is transmitted from the conical prop system fixed in the panels to a continuous concrete gutter, previously executed, by means of an anchor mooring system. Advantage: with the continuous gutter no previous drills are necessary and allows a rapid advance in the execution of the previous footings; no special tools are necessary; recoverable items.

Self-launching formwork tunnel equipment La Canda

Customer: UTE TÚNEL DE LA CANDA (Comsa, Anchelergues)
Country: España
Location: La Canda-Vilavella (Ourense)
Year: 2013


Construction project called North-Northwest High Speed Corridor of High speed railway (HSR)
HSR Line Madrid-Galicia.
Lubyan-Ourense section.
Tunnel sub-section of La Canda-Vilavella.
The sub-section of 3.7 km. in length, it runs through the municipality of A Mezquieta, in the province of Orense. Each tunnel has a length of 869 m, of which two sections of 78 and 69 m they adopt the morphology of artificial tunnel in each of the portals, while the rest (722 m) have been excavated.

Self-launching equipment consisting of 1 formwork for tunnel lining in mine and cut and cover tunnel and 1 translation form traveler, 4.58m / 7.78m, 15m advance. Formwork for execution of the 1st phase of the tunnel lining (30 + 30m. Linear)