Client: Van Oord (Netherlands)
Place: Constanta Port, Romania
Status: Works execution phase
Completion date: July 2015
Project coordinator: Inma Gómez (Project coordinator in RUBRICA’s MARITIME division)
Detected needs: Design, production and monitoring to carry out the extension of the northern brakewater, a project originally undertaken years ago.
Why our solution?
Two different moulds were designed in order to allow the staged construction of both walls, the main and the inner wall. One four-faces formwork and one closing two-faces formwork.
Besides that, it was made a third formwork for the construction of the road slab that makes it possible to work in different positions and advance directions
Execution process: All the process starts with the removal of the acropodes in the working area, interfering with the construction works of the breakwater extension. After that a pressed stone layer will be placed as a settlement and course surface for the breakwater and the formworks. Following, a lean croncrete layer will be laid as a base for the main and the inner wall, what will enable at this point the beginning of the construction of both walls. Once the concrete walls have been built, different acropodes will be placed beside them in the sea-side of the same. And in the last step of the project the inner area between both walls will be filled in with sand and pressed stone over which the road slab will be built.